Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Power Up With Dark Chocolate Drink
Power Up With Dark Chocolate Drink
Dark Chocolate Drink – Energy Drink

Dark chocolate as energy drink for athletes?! You should be kidding me.
If you do not believe after that it you should be living in a cave! Continue reading this piece of information if you would like more about dark chocolate drink and its health benefits.

Modern science has discovered through some experiments that indeed chocolate has energy-giving properties. Chocolate has been considered the “food for the gods” in ancient Mexico. It have been proven through dark chocolate studies that there must be truth in this saying. We all know that athletes want tons of energy to help keep them up throughout their intense exercise and trainings. Fuel is a very important factor in order for you to have sufficient energy levels.

Recover Fast With Dark Chocolate Drink

When you are a player what come into your mind first are the energy drinks, recovery beverages, sport and most especially supplements. But did you know that dark chocolate drink has proven so it can replenish proteins, protein, water, and carbohydrates. In one experiment 9 cyclists were subjected to a grueling test. They want to test the different beverages in the aspects of sports performance. In this particular experiment the cyclists were told to change their usual energy drinks with a chocolate-based beverage.

The cyclists undergone an exhausting session of cycling and were given with dark chocolate drink as their recovery beverage. The cyclists were given a 4 hour rest and after that back to another demanding session of cycling. The same group of cyclist repeated the same exercise but this time was given their usual energy drinks. The cyclists discovered that if drinking the chocolate-based drinks, they were able to sustain their intense exercise and have extra energy for a second round.

Being an athlete, around possible go for more natural energy drinks because they more healthy for the body and doesn't contain ingredients which may have an adverse a reaction to your body. These are also not banned by any athletic organizations. Many active people chose to use natural foods and drinks even for sports recovery. Some athletes try to combine their chocolate-based drink with milk to provide them bone strengthening effects. Just be sure that your milk is calcium fortified on the nutrition label. Either way you're very sure to get the health benefits of dark chocolate and milk.

Another health good thing about consuming dark chocolate drink is it can reduce body weight. Dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants which have a direct relation to weight loss. So, if you want to keep your weight or want to reduce it can drink for every single day without fear that you might gain weight later on.

Boost Your Energy With Dark Chocolate Drink

Sports nutrition experts found out that dark chocolate can boost your body's energy to muscle and make your liver utilized glycogen in their complete state, and thus help facilitate to increase athletic performance. In the experiment, dark chocolate drink was found effective replace your energy consumed in the demanding workout and very helpful in the recovery of one's body.

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